Class MFRC522DriverSPI¶
Defined in File MFRC522DriverSPI.h
Inheritance Relationships¶
Base Type¶
public MFRC522Driver
(Class MFRC522Driver)
Class Documentation¶
class MFRC522DriverSPI : public MFRC522Driver¶
Public Functions
virtual bool init() override¶
virtual void PCD_WriteRegister(const PCD_Register reg, const byte value) override¶
Writes a byte to the specified register in the MFRC522DriverSPI chip. The interface is described in the datasheet section 8.1.2.
- Parameters:
reg – The register to write to. One of the PCD_Register enums.
value – The value to write.
virtual void PCD_WriteRegister(const PCD_Register reg, const byte count, byte *const values) override¶
Writes a number of bytes to the specified register in the MFRC522DriverSPI chip. The interface is described in the datasheet section 8.1.2.
- Parameters:
reg – The register to write to. One of the PCD_Register enums.
count – The number of bytes to write to the register.
values – The values to write. Byte array.
virtual byte PCD_ReadRegister(const PCD_Register reg) override¶
Reads a byte from the specified register in the MFRC522DriverSPI chip. The interface is described in the datasheet section 8.1.2.
- Parameters:
reg – The register to read from. One of the PCD_Register enums.
virtual void PCD_ReadRegister(const PCD_Register reg, const byte count, byte *const values, const byte rxAlign = 0) override¶
Reads a number of bytes from the specified register in the MFRC522DriverSPI chip. The interface is described in the datasheet section 8.1.2.
- Parameters:
reg – The register to read from. One of the PCD_Register enums.
count – The number of bytes to read.
values – Byte array to store the values in.
rxAlign – Only bit positions rxAlign..7 in values[0] are updated.
inline MFRC522DriverSPI(MFRC522DriverPin &chipSelectPin, SPIClass &spiClass = SPI, const SPISettings spiSettings = SPISettings(4000000u, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0))¶
Protected Attributes
MFRC522DriverPin &_chipSelectPin¶
SPIClass &_spiClass¶
const SPISettings _spiSettings¶
virtual bool init() override¶